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Heep, Matthias
for solo player on B T A So S Gb. Inspired by the eight Orixá sculptures in the lake in in Salvador de Bahia, Brazil. This was the centre of the slave trade, and Orixás are all-pervading gods of nature in Afro-Brazilian religions.
for solo player on B T A So S Gb. Inspired by the eight Orixá sculptures in the lake in in Salvador de Bahia, Brazil. This was the centre of the slave trade, and Orixás are all-pervading gods of nature in Afro-Brazilian religions.

Price: £16.50
Ref: ETF3159

Catalogue for a Recorder Player

Heider, Werne
1 So/A/B - 1 player
1 So/A/B - 1 player

Price: £8.70
Ref: EM1548

Strophen & Es ist

Heike, Georg
1 recorder
1 recorder

Price: £9.80
Ref: EW1096

Der Flotenkonig

Kohler, Theodor
1 S & A
1 S & A

Price: £13.20
Ref: EM2210

Sound & Soul: The Recorder Collection of Frans Bruggen - DVD

Hotteterre le Romain, Jacques
The sound and image of 17 historical masterpieces by 17th-18th recorder makers captured on film. Kees Boeke & Walter van Hauwe perform preludes by Jacques Hotteterre le Romain. A film by Daniel Bruggen.
The sound and image of 17 historical masterpieces by 17th-18th recorder makers captured on film. Kees Boeke & Walter van Hauwe perform preludes by Jacques Hotteterre le Romain. A film by Daniel Bruggen.

Price: £49.99 (Excluding VAT at 20%)
Ref: ZD985253


Krahmer, Ernst
1 csakan, S or A
1 csakan, S or A

Price: £6.76
Ref: G12012

5 Register

Laufer, Norbert
for solo player on T S So A B. Referring to members of the recorder family: one instrument is used in each of the five movements: I. tenor recorder, II. sopranino, III. alto, IV. soprano and V. bass recorder. In the fifth movement, the alto and soprano recorders are added again. At the end they are played simultaneously. In the course of the piece, noisy elements and humming are used, mostly as a transition between the movements. About 13 minutes.
for solo player on T S So A B. Referring to members of the recorder family: one instrument is used in each of the five movements: I. tenor recorder, II. sopranino, III. alto, IV. soprano and V. bass recorder. In the fifth movement, the alto and soprano recorders are added again. At the end they are played simultaneously. In the course of the piece, noisy elements and humming are used, mostly as a transition between the movements. About 13 minutes.

Price: £15.00
Ref: ETF3157

A Philosopher in Waiting

Lidström, Mats
1 S & 1 B
1 S & 1 B

Price: £14.50
Ref: CL130

Basel Recorder Book

Linde, Hans-Martin
1 S/A/T/B
1 S/A/T/B

Price: £9.50
Ref: ED8250

Amarilli mia bella: Hommage … Jakob van Eyck

Linde, Hans-Martin
1 A or S,A,B
1 A or S,A,B

Price: £7.99
Ref: OFB133


Linde, Hans-Martin
1 A or So or A or T or B
1 A or So or A or T or B

Price: £7.50
Ref: OFB154


Lysight, Michel
1 rec, C fingering
1 rec, C fingering

Price: £15.70
Ref: C06431
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