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Klange der Nacht (1999)

Genzmer, Harald
1 A or T
1 A or T

Price: £12.99
Ref: OFB193

Geproesterol 1994 (Titter)

Geysen, Frans
1 A
1 A

Price: £4.25
Ref: AMP348

Solo (1992) & Kleine vegetatie (1974)(Small vegeta

Geysen, Frans
1 A
1 A

Price: £3.75
Ref: AMP345

Nothing is Enough

Gibbs, Alan
1 A - Written for John Turner for his 70th birthday. A short and fairly challenging piece which was inspired by a poem by Lancastrian Laurence Binyon which is to be read aloud before performance.
1 A - Written for John Turner for his 70th birthday. A short and fairly challenging piece which was inspired by a poem by Lancastrian Laurence Binyon which is to be read aloud before performance.

Price: £4.50
Ref: PJT180

Breviarum 1960

Gieseler, Walter
1 A
1 A

Price: £6.40
Ref: EM1520

One on the Cool Side: four jazzy solos

Hall, Marg
1 A. Four substantial, character pieces in Marg's inimitable style. Plenty to work at but not too difficult. They are dedicated to Jackey Birch who features in "Waltz for Jackey"
1 A. Four substantial, character pieces in Marg's inimitable style. Plenty to work at but not too difficult. They are dedicated to Jackey Birch who features in "Waltz for Jackey"

Price: £4.00
Ref: P552

Stay Shepherd Stay

Handel, G F
1 A
1 A

Price: £14.30
Ref: EM2530

Stay, shepherd, stay II

Handel, G F
1 A
1 A

Price: £12.10
Ref: EM2540

Sonata and Allegro (arr. Spiegl)

Handel, G F
1 A & S
1 A & S

Price: £2.50
Ref: ED11642

Recorder Studies: 24 Extracts from Operas and Orat

Handel, G F
1 A
1 A

Price: £8.99
Ref: SIK502D

Arias fr Operas

Handel, G F
1 A
1 A

Price: £6.00
Ref: ZFS566/7

Four Sonatas

Handel, G F
1 A
1 A

Price: £5.75
Ref: PP19
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