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Barytons, voice and mandolins at the Vienna Hofkap

Conti, Francesco Bartolomeo
Voc Sop voc, 2 braytons, continuo
Voc Sop voc, 2 braytons, continuo

Price: £14.50
Ref: P151

Cares when they’re over

Sop voc, 1 S (or violin), strings & bc
Sop voc, 1 S (or violin), strings & bc

Price: £16.50
Ref: EW999

Three Flower Songs

Cooke, Arnold
Sop voc and A (& opt. So)
Sop voc and A (& opt. So)

Price: £5.50
Ref: PJT065

By Purling Streams'

Croft, William
Sop voc, S (oboe/flute), cont
Sop voc, S (oboe/flute), cont

Price: £5.00

Two Songs to Poems by William Alwyn

Crosse, Gordon
Sop voc & 1 B
Sop voc & 1 B

Price: £6.00
Ref: PJT145

Cantate 'Non e sol...'

d'Astorga, Emmanuele
Voice, 1A & bc
Voice, 1A & bc

Price: £11.60
Ref: CDT9216

Innumerable Angels

Davis, Alan
Sop & tenor voc, 1 A, bass viol, hpschd
Sop & tenor voc, 1 A, bass viol, hpschd

Price: £18.00
Ref: RP058

Venus to the Muses

Dodgson, Stephen
Sop voc, A, bassoon, harpsichord
Sop voc, A, bassoon, harpsichord

Price: £8.50
Ref: PJT131

Dunedin Pictures

Drummond, John
Sop. voc., 1 S & pno
Sop. voc., 1 S & pno

Price: £7.50
Ref: PJT134

Three Songs to poems by Robert Graves

Dubery, David
Voc, 1 S & A & pno
Voc, 1 S & A & pno

Price: £9.50
Ref: PJT049

"Sleep poor youth" from Don Quixote

Eccles, John
Sop & bass voc, 3 recs, cont
Sop & bass voc, 3 recs, cont

Price: £6.90
Ref: GMEcc1

Scenes from Nature

Eden, William
Sop voc, 1 S/A & harpsichord
Sop voc, 1 S/A & harpsichord

Price: £10.50
Ref: PJT155
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